Monday, March 23, 2009


Hogg, Chris "School bullying in Japan", BBC, 23 march, 2009, 1 page.

Nowdays its really common that in some schools children are being bullied. I cant understand why people are so cruel. It is a problem that I am really worry because I am going to be teacher and I will have to deal with this kind of situations.

I think it is terrible that some kids had killed themselves because they were harassed or teased. I try to understand where there were their parents and why those kids couldnt find another solution. I know that in some stage of our life we are exposed to different big problems and the worst one it is to be alone. thats why I think that we are responsibles when a classmate, a friend or a relative decides to kill him/herself.

Its not posible that the government its not worry when five children have killed themselves in four months. Each school should have a class where the students talk about their problems without to be judge. I think that this minimun concern could change and save a lot of lifes.


1 comment:

  1. I also read that article. You are right when you point out that parents have to be more alert about their children. They usually show certain signs,and if parents could notice them, it would be easier to solve these problems. Kids need support, need to be listened.
