Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sexual Crimes.

Dear Mrs. Bachelet. My name is Bárbara Rasse. I study English Pedagogy and I want you express my concern about sexual crimes. It´s not possible that we have to deal with rapes and sexual harrasment. I know that the police try to do something but when they arrest the criminals, the judges are not strict enough and the criminals come back to the streets again.
How can I go out if I dont trust in our justice?
The criminals should have several sentences, at least 10 or 15 years of prision. I know that its not enough, because those criminals have a mental illness but at least the victims know that they are in jail and they cant go out like normal people. Also I think that the government should give psychological support to all the victimes of sexual crimes.
I have mother and a sister and I ask everyday that they arrive to our home safe. I ask you to give us that security. It seems like a bad joke that those criminals work in a school, a lot of them are pedophiles and they live constantly with children. Where are the monitoring? where is the concern of the judges? If a judge decides to keep free a criminal at least should have a constant monitoring. In my opinion a rapist shouldnt have a second opportunity.

Bárbara Rasse


  1. You have right Barbara!

    The government should do somethinG about kind of people. The sentences should be more several for them.
    And also they must encourage the women who has been attack,to bury this kind of acts.
    That is my opinion

    Good article!
    See you!

  2. I think it's hard to deal with this issues. We all know that the system doesn't work well, people who kill or commit sexual harassment or rape don't get as many years in prison as we would want it. I completely agree with you, they must get phycological support, as you pointed out in your letter.

  3. I absolutely agree with you. There shouldn't be a second chance for those insane people. They should lose their rights at the very moment that they commit these monstrous acts.
