Monday, May 25, 2009


I read an article very interesting. It talked about a difficult topic in our development as teachers. Motivating someone else to study is something hard in these times, because there are a lot of things that the children could find more fun and easier to do. And the author knows it, thats why I chose this article, because its a daily life problem that we should be worry about.

The author talked about the importance of self-esteem and how this could affect the children`s motivation. I completely agree with him because I think that to have self-confident is a crucial factor in our learning. If we trust in our skills and we are not scared to fail, it is easier to confront whatever we want.

In Chile, teenagers have not motivation at all. I know it because in my ELAB I see boys and girls who dont want to learn anything. They don´t feel comfortable in a English class because they don´t know what to say. Sometimes I think that they are not interested in to learn anything. And it is a shame because that is the reflect of our society.

See you.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

School kills creativity.

It was really hard to understand Ken Robinson and his jokes because he talked really fast, but at the same time, it was really interesting to hear what he said. After all the things he said I kept thinking about how people judge our dreams when we are kids. Like he said, the society thinks, if you like to dance you will become in a dancer, and if you like the art you will become in an artist and thats not true. First of all, there is nothing wrong if you want to be a guitar player or a photographer. When I was a child I wanted to be a photographer but constantly the poeple told me that I was going to die in my poorness and finally I forgot it. That is happening these days in our school, they are not supporting the children´s dreams because the idea of to be succesful is to have a degree.

Also he talked about a girl who was drawing God, and her teacher told her that nobody has seen God. And she said, "well, now they are going to do it". I dont know which was the reaction of the teacher but I know that in some cases the children are repressed when they have new ideas.

The man talked about many other things but the creativity in the school is a subject we should be interested in.

Ken Robinson, June, 2006.

Have a good weekend!


Boy still missing.

I know we had to read about a current event, but I found this article and I have to talk about it. 30 years ago Etan was the first boy on a milk carton because he was missing. He wanted to take the bus alone, like all of his classmates. He was 6 and he never came back home.
After 30 years nobody has known nothing about Etan.

I was so sad when I read the article, because I was looking for some crimes articles, or something fun to read. And I found this and I started thinking about my little niece and the kids I see in the ELAB and it must be terrible if some of them get lost.

I know that we, like teachers, can make a difference and that´s make me feel so important because we can help the children to care for themselves and we can give advice to the parents.

The Etan´s case is still a cold case, I would like that nobody else has to suffer something so horrible.

If you want to read more details about this, this is the link

See you!
