Sunday, April 26, 2009

Common Mistakes!

I´ve been seeing some classmates´s blogs and I could realized that we have all the same kind of mistakes in our writting. First of all I think we are accustomed to write fast in our computer, and we have spelling mistakes. Another thing I could read is that we try to write some spanish things in english and they dont have the same meaning. Sometimes we cant see the differences between these two languages and the consequence is that we cant say or write what we wanted.
Also its a common mistake the used of the capital letters, sometimes we write "i" instead of "I". And the same thing happens with all the pronouns.
Finally I saw that me and some classmates have a really poor vocabulary. We always use the same verbs and the same expressions. I realized that when we try to use different words sometimes we dont know exactly how to use it and we have mistakes.

Well.. see you!


I watched a video of a school from london, which encourages its students to bicycling. It is great because they have some curses where the children learn about their body and how to be healthy. Also the school takes a big part on this because they include these courses in their curricular activity, the students learn about their respiration system and how to improve their power pedals. And also they can go every day bicycling to the school. I think this its a fabulous idea, because the children have to do exercices and it is really cool that the school helps them to have a sport which can be include in the daily life of the children. They are really happy with the idea and the 80% agree that its a positive way to do exercices and the 33 % feel better prepared, which means that the proyect was a success.
I think here in Chile we have a poor Physical Education in our school, and thats mean that we have a horrible health. The government is not worry about the health of the children. In the school they are all day eating junk food and they have like 2 or 3 hours per week to do exercices in the school. Thats not enough because a 10 years old´s children is growing up and he/she needs and adult who teach him/her how to have a healthy life.
In the future when we become teachers maybe we can´t help our students to do exercices but we can teach them how to eat in a healthy way and also we can talk with the parents when we will see a health problem.
I liked the video because I think that those kind of school we need in this country.

Here its the link if you want to watch it



Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sexual Crimes.

Dear Mrs. Bachelet. My name is Bárbara Rasse. I study English Pedagogy and I want you express my concern about sexual crimes. It´s not possible that we have to deal with rapes and sexual harrasment. I know that the police try to do something but when they arrest the criminals, the judges are not strict enough and the criminals come back to the streets again.
How can I go out if I dont trust in our justice?
The criminals should have several sentences, at least 10 or 15 years of prision. I know that its not enough, because those criminals have a mental illness but at least the victims know that they are in jail and they cant go out like normal people. Also I think that the government should give psychological support to all the victimes of sexual crimes.
I have mother and a sister and I ask everyday that they arrive to our home safe. I ask you to give us that security. It seems like a bad joke that those criminals work in a school, a lot of them are pedophiles and they live constantly with children. Where are the monitoring? where is the concern of the judges? If a judge decides to keep free a criminal at least should have a constant monitoring. In my opinion a rapist shouldnt have a second opportunity.

Bárbara Rasse